TAURAS 2023: 4th Turin Advanced Course of Reconstructive Urology, Andrology and Robotics

Urology and Reconstructive Andrology Dept. Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital of Torino and Humanitas University
The fourth Turin Advanced course of reconstructive Urology, Andrology and Robotics takes place on 8-10 June 2023 at Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital in Turin, ltaly.
Lots of local and international experts from all over the world are invited to participate in this interesting event.
As in previous editions, the scientific program includes live surgeries, pre-recorded surgical presentations, state-of-the-art lectures, case discussions and debates.
During the live surgery sessions in the two connected operating rooms semi-live presentations you will have the opportunity to follow many procedures including three-pieces penile prosthesis implants, both withinfrapubic and penoscrotal approach, penile lengthening surgery with sliding technique,multiple incision corporoplasty, distal tunical repair surgery, Chang’s phalloplasty after penile amputation, penile implant in neophallus, inguinal node dissection for penile cancer, robotic extra-fasciai prostatectomy with simultaneous prosthetic rehabilitation, urinary sphincter implant, anterior and urethroplasty and management of ureteral and urethral strictures with Uventa TM.
This year all interested colleagues, including urology and andrology residents, fellowship attendees, and all urology specialists will have the opportunity to follow all the congress content from anywhere in the world in live streaming on the congress website www.taurastorino.it.